Rent my expertise. Hire my skills.
My extensive publishing, research and teaching experience provide you three overlapping areas of expertise: (1) editing, (2) coaching in creative writing and (3) one-on-one ESL instruction.
Clear writing often begins with clear terms. The English Professor’s Editing Service conforms to the work descriptions of the Editors’ Association of Canada.
My professional experience and graduate education prepare me for any of the following editorial challenges: project editing, custom writing, substantive editing, stylistic editing, rewriting, copy editing, indexing and proofreading.
Creative Writing
I have trained and published in each of the major genres: fiction, drama, poetry and non-fiction. (Okay, my plays and teleplays have been performed, but technically they haven’t been “published.”) I have taught creative writing in various genres to university students at every level, from first-year students to graduate students completing theses. My work as a writer, editor and professor can help you start writing, improve your writing and start publishing. Enjoy one-on-one instruction tailored to your schedule for less than you would spend on a mediocre night class ruled by cat poets.
ESL Instruction
With my dual commitment to literature and creative writing, and wonderfully flattering evaluations by students, I’m delighted to work as an ESL instructor. My informed, professional feedback is available for written and spoken English. Be a satisfied and empowered client, not a nameless student lost in bureaucracy.