Paperback, 102 pages
ISBN: 9781998149155
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My _______ journey. Their _________ journey. Travel and storytelling are inseparable. Where influential mediaeval texts like Le Morte d’Arthur and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight survive from just a single manuscript book each, Marco Polo’s journey story (however fabricated) survives in nearly 150 manuscript books hand-copied before 1530.
Travel integral to storytelling, yet travel, these pressing poems worry, may contribute more to the climate crisis than it solves (e.g., sunscreen corroding coral reefs). Centring on my 2016-2020 travels throughout Southeast Asia (including Bali, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia and Malaysia) and Down Under (Australia and New Zealand), these poems offer one journey after another.
This collection includes my poem “Angkor Wat,” which won the 2020 Banff Centre Bliss Carman Poetry Award. Here’s a movie I made of me reading “Angkor Wat,” complete with travel pix by myself or my then partner: